Implications of Connectionism for Thinking about Rules - Carl Bereiter

The first thing I need to establish is that AI is artificial intelligence, not AL like the name.
Connetionsim is a pretty difficult concept to grasp. Bereiter wrote this article in hopes of simplifying it and help readers to understand. He used the idea of many frisbees in a room all connected by rubber band like strings. When you move one you move all. I am very appreciative of the author's attempts to simplify this concept,; however, I feel like he failed in his attempts. I think if he could have done in a few pages what he did in many. He needed to cut down on all of the wordy explanations and examples and focus on total simplicity. I think he just had way to much information in the article for the reader to grasp.
Towards the end you think you are starting to maybe understand the concept of connectivism, and then he throws Rousseau in the mix. In my opinion, the section about Rousseau should have been left out of this article. The only thing is did for me and others was further confuse us just when we thought we might be understanding it. In general, in order the better the article and further the understanding for the reader Bereiter should have cut out a lot of the fluff and gotten down to the basics.
This is a very interesting concept and the article does bring up some interesting points. The frisbee analogy was interesting and did help to further my understanding. I would be very interested to read a very simplified article about connectionism ao that I can better my understanding.

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